$5.7 billion was lost last year in financial abuse in Australia.

Are You Next? Let‘s Protect You Against Financial Vulnerability

It’s happening right now: every 2 seconds, someone falls victim to financial fraud, and the numbers are only climbing.

Financial vulnerability isn’t selective; it preys on the young and the elderly, the wealthy and the not-so-wealthy. In today’s digital age, no one is safe.

With over 60% of us admitting we wouldn’t recognise financial abuse if it happened to us or someone close, the question isn’t if it will happen to you, but when.

The statistics are startling

  • Financial abuse costs the economy $15.6 BILLION every year.*
  • 1 in 2 people with disability and elderly people will be the victim of financial abuse at some point in their life.*
  • 16% (1.6 million) of women and 7.8% (745,000) of men have experienced economic abuse from a current or previous partner.*
  • 6 in 10 Australians are worried that someone they know will be the victim of this elder abuse.*
  • One in four women, and one in thirteen men, has experienced domestic or family violence by an intimate partner. Of those who seek support, 90 per cent are affected by financial abuse.*
  • Four in 10 perpetrators of financial abuse had intergenerational relationships with the victim. Children (sons more often than daughters) were the largest perpetrator group, accounting for one-third of all financial abuse perpetrators.*
  • The latest Targeting Scams report has revealed Australians lost a record $3.1 billion to scams in 2022.*

The Silent Epidemic Affecting
Millions Across the World

Financial abuse is a hidden yet devastating form of manipulation and control, manifesting in various ways that can deeply impact your autonomy and financial security. It often goes unnoticed because it can be subtly woven into the fabric of personal relationships or emerge from seemingly trustworthy sources. Here are some common examples of financial abuse to empower you with the knowledge to recognise and protect yourself and your loved ones. Awareness is the first step toward prevention; understanding these scenarios can be your shield against the unseen threats that jeopardize financial well-being.

Unauthorized Control Over

When one partner in a relationship takes complete control over the other’s bank accounts, credit cards, or income without their consent, leaving them without access to their own funds.

Elder Financial Exploitation

This includes unauthorized use of an elderly person’s funds or property, often by a caregiver or a family member, or tricking them into signing documents that transfer financial rights.

Fraud and Scams Targeting
Vulnerable Individuals

Scammers often target those perceived as vulnerable, including the elderly and the financially inexperienced, through schemes like lottery scams, phishing, or investment fraud.

Coercive Debt

Forcing or manipulating someone into taking out loans or credit in their name, which the abuser then spends without any intention of repaying.

Employment Abuse

Employers who withhold wages, force employees to work without proper compensation, or misuse employees’ financial information for personal gain.

Economic Sabotage

Actions designed to sabotage someone’s ability to gain or maintain financial independence, such as preventing them from going to work, forcing them to be overly dependent financially, or ruining their credit score.

Withholding Financial

Keeping someone in the dark about household finances, investments, or debts, thereby preventing them from making informed decisions about their own financial future.
Financial abuse does not discriminate; it can happen to anyone, at any stage of life. If any of these scenarios resonate with you or if you’re concerned about potential financial vulnerabilities in your own life, it’s crucial to take action now. Our team at Financial Vulnerability is dedicated to providing expert guidance and support to navigate these challenges. Speak with us about your circumstances, and let us assess how we can assist in fortifying your financial independence and security. Your financial well-being is our priority, and together, we can craft a strategy to safeguard your future against abuse.
Don’t wait for financial abuse to find you. Let’s ensure you’re protected.

A Letter to Financial Vulnerability

Dear Friend,

If you’re reading this letter, it’s because you, or someone close to you, may be confronting the shadows of financial vulnerability. It’s a situation that many find difficult to acknowledge, much less discuss openly. But it’s important for you to know that you are not alone. Financial vulnerability does not discriminate; it can touch anyone, regardless of wealth, success, intelligence, or social standing. Even the most financially savvy individuals can find themselves in challenging circumstances, through no fault of their own.

At Financial Vulnerability, we understand the complexities and sensitivities surrounding financial abuse and vulnerability. Our mission is rooted in the belief that awareness, support, and action can illuminate the path to recovery and empowerment. It’s a journey we’re committed to walking alongside you, every step of the way.

We’ve seen firsthand how even the most successful and intelligent among us can fall prey to financial pitfalls—be it through sophisticated scams, manipulative relationships, or unexpected life events that leave one’s financial well-being at risk. The reasons are many, but the outcome is the same: a feeling of isolation, confusion, and often, shame.

But here’s what we want you to remember: seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. No situation is too complex, and no problem is too insurmountable. Our team at Financial Vulnerability is here to offer a safe, non-judgemental space where you can share your story, learn about your options, and begin the process of reclaiming your financial independence.

Please, reach out to us. Whether you’re seeking advice, need support, or simply wish to learn more about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from financial abuse, we’re here for you. Together, we can navigate the challenges, arm you with the knowledge and tools you need, and help ensure that your financial future is secure and your legacy protected.

You are not alone. Everyone at Financial Vulnerability is ready to stand with you, to listen, and to help guide you through to safer shores. Your journey to financial resilience starts with a conversation—one that could change the course of your financial future.

Warmest regards,
Simon, Karolina and Pamela
Your Team at Financial Vulnerability


Financial Vulnerability
Ambassador & Spokesperson

Financial Abuse Specialist™ – Certified

Triple Accredited Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

Chartered Manager & Fellow of the CMI (FCMI)

Cambridge University Pre-Seed to Exit Funding Programme

Oxford University Executive Leadership Programme

Harvard Business School Sustainable Business Strategy

Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning (AdvDip.FS)

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

Financial Vulnerability

Financial Abuse Specialist™ – Certified

Oxford University Executive Leadership Programme

Masters (MSc) in Politics & International Relations

Certificate for Financial Advisers (CeFA)

Degree BA (Hons) in Politics & International Relations

Financial Vulnerability

Financial Abuse Specialist™ – Certified

Advanced Diploma of Financial
Planning (AdvDip.FS)

Diploma Financial
Planning (Dip FP)

SMSF Specialist Adviser (SSA)

Member of The Association of Financial Advisers (AFA)

Justice of the Peace (JP)



Discover how to shield yourself and your loved ones with our Financial Vulnerability workshop, where we take you through the hidden signs, strategies to fortify your finances and empower you to protect yourself from financial abuse.


Secure your complimentary consultation today by filling out our short form. Discover personalised strategies to protect yourself and your assets from the pervasive threat of financial vulnerability. Remember, knowledge is power, but action is transformation. Let us arm you with both.

Stopping Financial Abuse
is Our Calling

At the core of Financial Vulnerability, you’ll find a dedicated team driven by a singular mission: to illuminate the path out of financial abuse and vulnerability for individuals from all walks of life.

Originally Financial Planners, we increasingly found new clients falling prey to financial abuse. From all walks of life. Every age. Every socio-economic group.

Financial abuse is a pervasive, often silent crisis affecting millions, yet it remains shrouded in misunderstanding and stigma. Determined to change this narrative, we established Financial Vulnerability as a sanctuary of support, education, and empowerment.

Why Us? Because We Understand
and We Care

Our team is composed of seasoned professionals, including certified Financial Abuse Specialists™, who bring decades of combined experience in finance, psychology, and legal advocacy. We’re not just experts in our fields; we’re individuals who’ve seen the impact of financial abuse firsthand and are passionate about making a difference.

Understanding that financial abuse affects more than just one’s bank account, we offer comprehensive support addressing both the immediate financial concerns and the longer-term emotional and psychological effects. Our approach is tailored, sensitive, and respects the unique circumstances of each person we assist.

We're Here For You — Without

One of the hardest steps for many facing financial abuse is reaching out for help — often out of fear of judgement or not being taken seriously. Let us be clear: Financial Vulnerability is a judgement-free zone. We understand the courage it takes to seek assistance, and we meet that bravery with empathy, confidentiality, and respect.

Choosing Financial Vulnerability means partnering with an ally who believes in your right to financial safety and independence. Our track record of successfully guiding individuals out of financial vulnerability speaks to our commitment and effectiveness. But beyond our successes, it’s our compassionate approach that sets us apart. We’re not just fighting financial abuse; we’re fostering a community where everyone feels seen, heard, and supported.

Your Financial Security Isn’t Just Our
Mission - It’s Our Promise To You

Your journey to overcoming financial abuse starts with a conversation. Reach out to us at Financial Vulnerability, and let’s explore together how we can support you in breaking free from financial abuse and building a secure, empowered future.

“Financial vulnerability is a critical aspect of our lives, often catching us unaware. Simon and his team at Financial Vulnerability are doing essential work in this field, shedding light on complex issues and providing robust support. Their expertise as financial professionals enables them to protect individuals and also help them leverage their abilities to rebuild lives affected by financial challenges. Having worked with Simon for many years, I can attest to his kindness, compassion, and dedication. His commitment to this cause is not only pioneering but also a testament to his character. I am proud to recommend Simon, a valued colleague and friend, and commend his groundbreaking work in navigating these challenging times.”

Michelle Hoskin, Standards International
Founder & Co-Creator, Financial Abuse Certification

Here are some of our latest Financial
Vulnerability Resources...

Here are some of our latest Financial Vulnerability Resources...

If you suspect elder financial abuse, immediate action can make all the difference. This concise guide delivers the essentials on detecting abuse, securing your loved one’s assets, and navigating the legal system to hold perpetrators accountable. Learn to identify subtle signs of exploitation and fortify the elderly against financial harm with the invaluable information ahead.
If you find your financial independence compromised, you may be facing financial abuse. It’s a serious concern that affects personal freedom and security. This article uncovers the subtle signs of someone usurping control over your finances and offers concrete advice for those trapped in such exploitative situations. Anticipate a journey through understanding, recognition, and the reclaiming of your economic autonomy.
Are you concerned about falling victim to an online scam? You’re not alone. Online scams are increasingly sophisticated, and it can be challenging to navigate the digital world safely. From phishing attempts to false romantic gestures, this article sheds light on the most common scams of 2024 and offers actionable tips to help you protect yourself and your finances. Remain vigilant and read on to learn how you can outsmart online fraudsters.
If you suspect a family member is being scammed, immediate and thoughtful action is needed. This article outlines how to help a family member being scammed, emphasizing early detection, compassionate conversation, and definitive steps to hinder the scammer’s influence. Understand what signals to look for, how to approach the topic with empathy, and what actions are necessary to protect your loved one from further harm.

* https://www.womenandmoney.org.au/what-is-financial-abuse/
* https://www.alumni.giving.unsw.edu.au/cba-gift-helps-unsw-address-gap-australias-financial-abuse-research
* https://www.aihw.gov.au/
* https://www.ausbanking.org.au/priorities/financial-elder-abuse/
* https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/personal-safety-australia/latest-release
* https://aifs.gov.au/research/research-snapshots/elder-abuse-australia-financial-abuse
* https://www.accc.gov.au/about-us/publications/serial-publications/targeting-scams-report-on-scams-activity/targeting-scams-report-of-the-accc-on-scams-activity-2022